How the platform works


Team communication

Coaches can send direct messages to players, creating a private conversation within the app, eliminating the use of emails and text messages. You can also create a group message to more than one player. Or, if the message is more of an alert you can send a notification.

Player’s analysis

Within our Pro Review feature you can create match analysis through the drawing tool, highlighting specific areas for improvements. Other features within Pro Review are; import codes, create playlists, create highlights, download videos and recording sound.

Monitor players

Collect important information such as wellbeing data and gym training workload directly from the app. Use repeat push notifications to remind players to complete their wellbeing forms on a daily basis.

Files storage

Provide all app users with direct access to:

  •  Training footage
  •  Match highlights
  •  Play books
  •  Team related documents


Document storage

Provide all app users with direct access to training footage, match highlights, play books and other team related documents. Files can be downloaded locally to the app and viewed whilst the device is offline.


Create bespoke scouting reports within the app using criteria tailored to your club or sport. This ensures your scouting reports are being produced based on your club's values and ethos. Our in-app recruitment tool provides an intuitive and easy to use method to search for new players, based on specific requirements.

Performance wall

Keep the team up-to-date with game stats, upcoming events, pre-match preparations, messages etc. through the performance wall.

Players profiles

Create a personalised area for each player, allowing them to view a history of notifications, direct messages and assigned gym training programs.

Player monitoring

Collect important information such as wellbeing data and gym training workload directly from the app. Use repeat push notifications to remind players to complete their wellbeing forms on a daily basis.

Squad status

Coaches are able to see which players are available at any given time and which are out of action using the squad status board, which carries the most up to date information.

Video analysis

Distribute video content and the associated tagging files through our video analysis module. Compatible with both xml and CSV files produced within various tagging software. Videos can be downloaded locally within the app and viewed whilst the device is offline.


Each player and coach has their own unique password for the app, to access their personal folders. Coaches are notified if any screenshots are taken throughout the app to ensure all data is secured and monitored.

Private messaging

Coaches can send direct messages to players creating a private conversation within the app, eliminating the use of emails or text messages.


Coaches can add notes to each player that are only visible to admin users. Both players and coaches can create personal notes within the sports app.

Push notifications

Make sure your team is on track by sending them instant notifications, reminding them of certain events or any changes made to their schedule.


Ensure all players and coaches have access to the latest schedule or itinerary. Notifications can be sent to advice the players of any changes to the schedule.


Calvin Morris ILG

Professional Consultant
Calvin Morriss has worked with World Cup winning coaches and players, Olympic medalists and Ryder Cup golfers. His previous experiences help provide fascinating insights into how great sports people think, prepare and organise themselves. Calvin’s expertise enables ILG Business to offer the highest level of innovation and technology in the sporting world. Teams using the Elite Sports Platform have access to an advanced application which enables them to get the very best out of their players, which is essential for any elite sports club.

Gary Hall

Performance Director, GB Taekwondo
GB Taekwondo are excited to partner with ILG Business in developing a bespoke performance application that will significantly improve our day to day operations and communication between our High Performance staff and our athletes. The ILG Elite Sports Application will certainly bring us to the forefront of technology as we look to build upon our success in London.


Bespoke squad status tailored to your sport Used by the British olympic teams Security – our biggest priority Profesional teams


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